I stumbled upon the first episode of Fox's series, The New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel to decide if it's something really worth subjecting myself to. I mean watching. If it's something worth watching.
Haven't seen it? Here's a little summary:
So this totally quirky indie chick (Deschanel) gets cheated on by her boyfriend and has to move out of her place. She answers one craigslist ad for three totally normal, attractive dudes looking for a roomie (cause that's how craigslist works). They're all hesitant but the one bro dude is all like, “she's friends with a supermodel we got to let her live with us dude,” and the sensitive one is like, “I know what it's like to live with a woman maybe this isn't a good idea” and the black guy is all like, “I'm the black guy. I'm only here to be black and not have much of a character”.
But of course, they let her live with them. Her quirky awesomeness prevails over these lesser males with their less quirky quirks and less indie indieness. The rest of the episode then puts the spotlight on our girl Zooey. Man did I mention this chick was quirky? Seriously, she's such an oddball. I mean does singing randomly, out of nowhere not prove to you that she's so different? Like songs that aren't even real songs. Isn't that just one of a kind or what?
Man, i'm over girls watching this crap and thinking this is how they should behave. Speaking as well as acting like a ten year old and randomly singing songs in public is annoying, not cute. Girls, please don't try emulating her manic pixie demeanor. It's scary more than anything. I mean it's going to get to a point where just singing in public, or making up your own words, or any other similar quirk isn't going to cut it. Eventually, the manic pixie dream girl is going to have to stand out by having a stuffed parrot on her shoulder that she talks to, and occasionally it talks back telling her to murder a member of congress. Then what are we going to do Zooey? You just might have to leave She and Him and join a rag tag team of Somali pirates in order to further stand out from the other pixie babes.
However, I will give the Zoester some credit. I've never seen her have so much personality before. That scene where she was bursting out crying while watching Dirty Dancing completely shocked me. I didn't think her face could make such wide expressions. You see Zoey is like watching this rock that hot dudes fall in love with and you're always like, “dude why are they so in love with this rock? It's not even doing anything! I mean sure it has nice bangs but that can't be the basis of falling in love with it, or can it?” Then one day you watch it on a t.v. show and this rock suddenly moves a bit and you're like, “woah rock, you moved! Now I am a small step closer to sort of seeing how a human male might find you somewhat interesting.”
Honestly i've come to realize that having to subject myself to all those scenes of forced awkwardness and cliched cuteness has done nothing but make me hate the world more. With this show in particular it feels like the writers aren't even trying to make anything subtle. They're just straight up selling you what happens when 500 Days of Summer and Garden State combine forces, then break that up into several episodes, and add a theme song.