Look you guys, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to see a movie at a movie theater by yourself. Seriously, it feels like every time I tell someone I just went to see a movie they first ask me, "who with?", and then when I reply with, "no one just me!" they ask me if everything is okay. "Are you depressed?" "Bad break up?" "Recent death in the family?".
No Jesus goddamn-it fuck dude I just wanted to go see a movie and didn't feel the need to post a fucking Facebook status about it and bring in a herd of 30 people so we could all sit and not talk for two hours.
Don't get me wrong, at first I was one of those people. I used to dread the thought of going to see a movie, and running into someone I knew. As if them seeing me as I eat popcorn in a dark theater alone is absolute proof I have no friends and am a lonely piece of shit.
However, it then got to a point where I realized that that anxiety is so petty. It reminded me of being in middle school. The crappiest three years of every human being's life. Honestly, if you enjoyed sixth through eighth grade there is something terribly wrong with you. I'm pretty sure it's scientific fact that any person who misses being thirteen is eighteen times more likely to end up becoming a serial killer, or a dentist. In my tween days, going to see a movie with your friends was the adult equivalent of going to a local bar. We were regulars (but not the well loved kind because we were shit heads) and the absolute most embarrassing thing to ever see was someone we knew with their PARENTS or even worse their GRANDPARENTS. Oh, the humility!
To avoid regressing to the horrors of tween angst I overcame the fear of possibly being seen alone, and just fucking did it. Now I must say that I almost prefer going alone. Or rather, it's not much different than going to see it with a friend. So why don't you just do it? Or at least stop acting like those who do are like totally lame or some shit.
I don't know. I'm pretty bored and sitting in a laundromat waiting for clothes to dry which is why I bring this up. Maybe i'll have some better post later about some fuckin topical shit like the incredibility of Snapple facts, or why the stand alone letter 'i' has to be capitalized but not stand alone 'a'.
Then again this is a movie blog so maybe not.
Sidenote, check out this fucking loser: